Venturing out to a computer repair store can be scary when you haven’t had to do it before. The terminology may be all new to you, and some may worry they will get scammed by a tech who just wants to make money. The problem isn’t so much that the general public doesn’t understand the lingo of a computer repair technician, it’s that they have been misled by many myths and misconceptions. Here are a few of those myths debunked.
Nerds and Geeks and You
- Only geeks and nerds can fix computers. While this statement used to be true, today’s modular design makes it possible for anyone to fix their own. All you have to do is know where to look online and who to ask. There are many sites designed to help you fix your own computer.
- Flat rate repair costs are the most economical. This is simply not true. Most of the time, if a shop advertises a “flat rate” it’s a fixed charge just for labor, or for assessing what is wrong and needs to be fixed.
Technical Difficulty
- Higher priced computer parts mean better quality. There are instances when this is true. However, across the board it is a myth. First of all, you can get a good system for a reasonable price. It’s just important to know what you are looking for and what you are looking at. Follow some of the sales. Make sure you do some research before buying a new computer or parts.
- Forcing a shut-down will break your computer. A forced shut down might cost you any unsaved data you were working on, but it won’t break the computer. It is important though to shut down and boot up properly. Many times, software needs a shut down and reboot to install updates. Most programs will at least make an attempt to save anything that was open when the hard shutdown occurred.
All About Viruses
- I don’t need to worry about a computer virus since I have anti-virus programs and firewalls. If you go to a malicious site, it might tell you your computer has been infected with a virus. The true virus enters your system and starts its damage when you follow their directions. A worm or virus is usually random. This does mean everyone needs a firewall. Even though an outbound firewall alerts you to malware, it can give you a false sense of security. Once the device is infected, some viruses disable firewalls. It’s important to keep your firewall enabled, especially if you use insecure networks like a coffee shop. Also keep your anti-virus program updated, this can at least help you avoid the need for computer repair.
- I would definitely know if my computer had a virus, malware or spyware. Sometimes this is true. But many types of malware are not so obvious. Malicious software is designed to run in the background, undetected. That way it can log the websites visited and keys pressed. It’s attempting to steal data and passwords. There are even some viruses used to turn a computer into a spamming device and you’d never know it.
Sometimes you need a computer repair professional and other times you do not. It is important to know what you can fix and the things that are beyond the scope of your skills. A reputable repair person will answer your questions and let you know if you do need a repair or not. You can save yourself a lot of time, effort and trouble if you know what does need a professional and what you can do yourself.