The new version of the Mac OS hit the market a few days ago, and it certainly has been making news. Available as a free download to existing Mac users, Yosemite combines the familiar along with the new to offer a package that most Mac users will enjoy. Computer support professionals point out that not everything is new in this operating system so it isn’t a complete surprise to people who are used to what they already have. So, let’s talk about what actually is different.
Starting in One Place, Ending in Another
Let’s say you start an email or document on you iPad or iPhone. Perhaps you realize after the fact that this document is going to be long and you would like to switch over to your computer. With OS Yosemite, you can. There’s a little button on the lower left corner of the Mac that will allow you to import what you were already writing immediately. You no longer have to worry about saving drafts or transporting files. The same holds true in the reverse. If you start something on the computer and you need to go out the door, then you can switch to your iPad or iPhone.
This same type of seamless transition doesn’t just work with the email platform either. You can use it to switch back and forth in other apps, like the Safari web browser and iMaps as well as the messaging app.
You may already be using FaceTime if you have an iPhone. Now, the video chat feature will be available already built in to OS Yosemite on your Mac computer. However, it is different. Before, Macs did come with a version of FaceTime that only allowed you to talk to other FaceTime users. Now, you can essentially make phone calls to anyone with a phone number. Your Mac will show up on their caller ID as your iPhone number.
A New Safari
You won’t need computer support to show you that Safari is easier to use on Mac Yosemite. It comes with more functionality and a sleeker look. It has all of the basic functions you may need in a web browser located in a single place. That can save you time and hassle. You can even sync your bookmarks to an iPhone or iPad with just a click of a button.
Should You Upgrade?
Obviously, just because OS Yosemite is available doesn’t mean you have to upgrade. However, you may be wondering if you should. If you have further questions, you can always contact a computer support professional. Otherwise, just consider the differences and determine if the upgrade is right for you. If you have a Mac computer than is newer than a 2009 build, then you should be able to upgrade with no problem.
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